A Giving Tradition from one family to benefit LSA’s families
This season we are moved by a family gifting tradition that goes back to the true meaning of the season – giving back and care for others. Below is the message included by the family with their gift to LSA. This holiday season, we encourage you to start a new family tradition with an end of year donation of your own.
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this note to explain why we are contributing money. My wife and I are the parents of 8 children. Even after our children were on their own and left the home, we had the practice where each family member picked the name of another member and bought them a Christmas gift. We finally realized that many times we didn’t need a gift and that others were more in need at this time. We started the practice of having one family selecting a charity in their neighborhood and that all others would make a contribution. This year one of our daughters who live in NYC has selected your organization for our annual family donation.
Enclosed is our contribution. May God bless all of you.
*Edited for anonymity
Though this generous family wishes to be anonymous, we are grateful to them for making LSA the beneficiary of this year’s thoughtfulness and support.
If you would like to help East Harlem families this holiday, please donate here.